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Can disposable medical consumables be reused

Release time:2023-04-08 10:45:02      Number of clicks:125

Reuse of secondary medical high value consumables has always been a controversial issue. Some people think that since they are disposable, reuse should be avoided, while others think that in order to save costs, reuse can be done after strict treatment. Then can disposable medical consumables be reused?

In recent years, in order to save costs, but also for the need of environmental protection, some developed countries in Europe and the United States, for part of the secondary high value consumables used in interventional therapy, cardiac surgery, orthopedic surgery, after strict treatment and proved its safety and effectiveness can be reused.

However, in China, the current "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases" and "Measures for the Management of Hospital Infection" both emphasize that disposable medical devices and appliances shall not be reused, and the "Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices" stipulate that "medical institutions shall not reuse disposable medical devices, and those that have been used shall be destroyed in accordance with relevant state regulations and records shall be made.

However, in 2018 and 2019 at the National Two sessions, some representatives put forward "some disposable medical consumables can be reused suggestions and motions", the proposal was passed, some disposable medical consumables can be reused after treatment.

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